Treatment Options For Broken And Chipped Teeth

If you have a broken or cracked tooth due to an accident or oral health condition, it is important to schedule an examination with your dentist as soon as possible. Cracked and broken teeth can be easily repaired in many cases, however, the underlying tooth root may be damaged, so timely treatment is essential. Treatments for a broken or cracked teeth can range from light bonding to oral surgery, depending on the cause and extent of the condition. After your dentist completes their examination, they will advise you on the best broken tooth repair treatment options to suit your particular oral health needs. 


Crowns are a common treatment for broken or severely chipped teeth that do not require extraction. In certain cases, a root canal procedure may be required prior to placement of the crown if the underlying roots are damaged or infected. The first step in a crown placement procedure is the preparation of the tooth surface. During the prep procedure, the tooth is filed down and reshaped to ensure the crown fits properly. The dentist then creates an impression of the tooth with dental putty that will be utilized by a dental lab when creating the permanent crown. A temporary crown is placed over the prepared tooth to protect the exposed dentin and prevent the teeth on either side from shifting. When the crown is ready, the dentist permanently cements the crown over the broken tooth. 


Bonding is a procedure that is often recommended to repair minor cracks or small chips in teeth with no underlying root damage. The procedure is minimally invasive and usually does not require anesthesia. During a bonding procedure, the dentist treats the tooth surface with a topical liquid that creates a rough texture. The rough texture makes it easier for the bonding materials to attach to the tooth surface. Next, the bonding material is applied to the tooth surface. The dentist then shapes the material and hardens it with a curing light. The final step in the process is a polishing procedure in which the dentist smooths out the treated area so it blends in with the rest of the tooth. 

Dental Implants

Dental implants are often utilized when broken teeth require a full extraction due to severe root damage or decay. The dental implant procedure is a three-part process that consists of preparation, abutment placement and permanent crown placement. During the preparation procedure, the oral surgeon or dentist creates a flap in the gum tissue and then drills a hole into the area of the jaw in which the tooth was extracted. An implant screw is inserted into the hole and the gum flap is stitched over the area and a cover screw is placed on top of the gum tissue to ensure proper healing. After a six month healing period, the gum tissue is opened up and an abutment is attached to the implant screw.  A temporary crown is then placed over the abutment. Once the gums heal and grow naturally around the temporary crown, a permanent crown is placed over the abutment and the procedure is complete.

A Healthy, Repaired Smile 

Broken or cracked teeth must be treated as soon as possible to prevent complications, especially if the underlying root is traumatized. Understanding the various treatments available and discussing your options with your dentist or oral surgeon will allow for prompt, efficient treatment and a healthy, repaired smile. 
